Friday, May 4, 2012


My friends and I made a new tradition to go dancing after work Monday mornings....its kind of faded away and we didn't go every week anyway but the few times we did go were sooooo fun!  I'd never v pay to get into a club, they are dirty and I dont drink so no.  But my friend from work used to work at Drais so we got on free!  Sweet!

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My poor baby sis had to have her appendix removed.  This was a big deal because none of us have ever been through surgery besides wisdom teeth...Lucky right after work I went over to the hospital and was able to make light of things (I'm good at that) so my sister and my mom could relax and not be scared.  I brought Bethany some new pj's and fuzzy socks.  And during surgery I wondered around (so I wouldn't have top hear this homeless guy ramble on about how horrible Abe Linkin was) I found the gift shop and  I got her some balloons and a little stuffed doggy.

She was so brave (:  You show that unnecessary organ who's boss!

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Columbus day! (late)

We had a really cool fhe lesson this year about Columbus, we read from the scriptures and my brother Andrew read a story.  We also taught Ivy a song about Columbus day.  My dad taught us how to make paper boats and my mom made a yummy treat (it fit in with three lessons but I forgot how :/)

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Renaissance fair (late...sometime im Oct.)

I hadn't been to the Ren fair in MANY years.  It seems like the last time I went to was going down hill.  But we got free tickets this year so I thought I'd check it out.  It was much much better then I remember!  There were a lot if crazies there but thats ok, they were intertaining to watch.  Ivy had a ton of fun so thats what counts.  I could not enjoy the yummy goodies they had because I had just started my first round of HCG :/ oh well.  Its almost as fun watching people eat it than enjoying it yourself right...?...

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Christmas!! (late)

I love love love winter and the holiday season!  I seriously go though post Chrismas depression that starts even before Chrstmas if I feel like the seasons gone too fast.  Most of the time I feel it Christmas day when all the gifts are almost done being opened...I know, I'm nuts! 

This year was the first in a couple years that we had our whole family here!!!  It was awesome!!!  It was a good one!

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Halloween!! (late)

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We went to LOTS events this year ! 3 trunk or treats, singles ward party, Brennans Halloween party, and lots more! We had sooooo much fun! I, like always, looove making Ivy's costumes and then end up throwing one together last minute for myself (: Ivy went as Show White, I'm pretty proud of the costume! I went as a mob girl thing...i really didn't know what I was but people at work kept saying I looked like a mobster so I went with it.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

My little dancer!

This one is DEFFINATLEY worth watching!!!  Cuuuuuutey pie


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Cute vid.

This video is from last year...its crazy how much shes grown and advanced since this (:  her voice is still way cute but she sounds like a little baby in this (:

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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Blue men!!!

So my 25th (old!) birthday was April 16th and my Awesome Aunt got me 2 tickets for the Blue Man Group!!  Thanks Kim for having house seats and for driving down there to get the tickets, your awesome!!! (:  Anywhooooz....I looked at three tickets and it said section two so I thought sweet those are pretty dang good seats for free tickets!!  I was thinking we would have a descent view.  We get in and we are in the 5th row...woah!  We had ponchos and everything, it was so totally awesome!!!  I LOVE percussion so I was in blue man heaven!!!  Awesome b-day gift!!!

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Susical the MUSICAL!!!

My little sis got a lead roll in her school play!  Yeeeah!  I decided she desreved to have get own professional (and stunningly gorgious) hair and make up artist...ME!  When I got to the school on opening night the kids were impressed with my work so I offered to help with make up for anyone else who needed help and I ended up going everyday to help, I had lots of fun!!!  I got to see the show on closing night.  Bethany shocked me with her amazing talent!  That was a proud moment for this big sis!!!  I even got a moment of glory when at the end of the night they called me to the stage and gave me roses and a sweet little note from three kiddos (:  I was so surprised!!! 

Great job lil sis (:

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