Monday, October 5, 2015

Welcome Baby Kai

Friday, Jan 30th I had a doctors app, I had been pretty upset because I was past my due date (Weds Jan. 28th) and I was over it!  I don't do well being "overdue" haha 
I told David I could not go alone!  Luckily he had already planned on taking that day off!!!  YAY!  My blood pressure, which has been on the higher said with all of my babies, had gone up to 148/102.  That was the highest it had been and my Doctor had some concern about it elevating any higher.  We talked about having it checked a couple times a day, he asked if I had a way to check it, I have my dad or I could go into a pharmacy and do the self help machines....I was sad because I was only 1cm, if that, he said.  Bleh!  I know I can go from 1 to whatever within hours though so it wasn't too bad depressing.  We discussed the Foley balloon to move things along...seemed like an ok option.  I was ready for it right then!  haha and my Doc was like yeah, but David thought we should at least give it a couple days more (=
We set it up for Sunday, I got a message with the details, Sunday at 8am we'd go in for the balloon and we'd leave, then come back at 2am for the induction.....WAIT WHAT?
I thought the balloon was in place of induction (using meds) not on top of....?....
I called back confused and asked what that meant, the girl didn't know.  I told her I was not wanting Pitocin at any point and she said I\oh no, they didn't order any for you.  I was confused.
We went in Sunday at 8am and we asked why the return appointment.  I didn't know that the balloon brings on labor 15-20% of the time and the rest of the time you have a drug to induce you.  Not cool!
I crossed my fingers that it would work for me!
After a couple hours of monitoring we left to get the kids from my parents.  We decided to go have lunch and were told to do some walking so we went to Subway & Target.  I had been having cramping which they said was totally normal but after we ate I felt like they were spaced out in a consistent pattern so I thought what the heck, might as well time them.  We walked around the store and there were about 13 mins apart....then about 10 before we left.  I told David I really think we should take the kids to my parents house just in case we end up going to the hospital with a cupke hours.  We drooped them off around 12:45pm and went home.  David had to be at the church for a meeting at 1:40 and I was a little worried about that, now timing them at 6mins apart.  He really didn't think anything was going on.
When he got home I was ready to go, he kept asking if it was too soon but I insisted we go.  I already texted our photographer (before David's meeting) with an update of what was going on and she replied that her husband was life flighted to SLC and she was driving there!  She apologized and asked if I wanted her to try to find someone else.  I said please don't worry about it and said id pray for them and safe travel safely. 
She has been wanting to get into birth photography and so she offered me a free session....I was upset but I only wanted after shots, NOT before (gross!) and certainly NOT DURING (double gross!)
I still haven't heard if everything it ok, I messaged her late last night, so over a week later and no re[ly.  I wanted to give her space, she has been posting on her photography page so I am wondering if she was being truthful.... :/
Here is me at target (=
We stopped across the street from the hospital at the Walgreens for an SD card and rechargable batteries for our camera, then Burger King (YUCKY! But I thought David should eat before we went and I actually ended up eating too) which is right next to the hospital.  I felt a little dumb walking in like we were staying for a week.  (=

Here is our goodie basket for the nurses (= we also brought individual bags.
I felt super weird showing up with all of our stuff, especially because when we went up the nurse told me I would prob be sent back home but could be checked if I wanted..... :/ umm yea, that's why I am here.  Felt dumb!  David also thought it was too soon but we got back and hooked up to the monitor and waited....2cm dang it!  We were given the option to stay or have Pitocin....I asked if we could think about it.   The nurse came back and said our doctor said we can wait and see what happens and we dont have to do Pitocin.  Minutes later the balloon came out and I was a 4!  Hurray!!!  So people I was right!  I was in labor haha! 
We showed up to the hospital around 3:30pm so the super bowl had started and I actually let David watch some, how nice of me!  I told him before hand that if babyday fell on the same day as the super bowl then it doesn't exist...but I decided to be nice (=
David messing with the camera lol bored already?  He tried to take a picture of me but im afraid I cant post it because I was flipping him the birdy.....oopsie!  No pics please!  

Messing with the camera...
apparently my veins suck!  Great....They stuck me 3 times I think, tried a few places and then called in another nurse to try......AND the lab guy came for my blood at the same time!  :/
YUCK!  I hate needles! 

The real reason I wanted to show up early was because this time I wanted an epidural, I was (am) traumatized from my experience with Jet and pain wise I did NOT want to do that again!  They sent the drug man in and I was happy!  I was nervous though!  I never wanted an epidural but emotionally knew I couldn't handle anything like Jet's birth.  Still cant explain it, people just dont get it...

Time dragged and 100 years later...HE WAS HERE!  It was around 18 hours