Sunday, August 2, 2009

Ivy is 19 months today! Its so crazy how much she has changed! Her vocabulary has literally doubled within the last minth! She is putting more words together and other people can actually understand her (=

Shes likes to ask where her uncle Andrew is, but she calls him something else, Its a weird noise that I can't even attempt to spell out haha. She also asks where Daniel (my friend) is, she'll sit there and for five minutes straight she'll go, "wheres Daniel? wheres Daniel? wheres Daniel? wheres Daniel? wheres Daniel?..." Its funny!

Ivy is always copying the things I do, EVERY TIME I finish someones hair she climbs up on the chair and pulls the cape over her and says, "hair, hair." Or she'll grab a brush or comb and do someone else's hair.

She always asks me to paint her nails and to do her hair! HAHA When we out she likes to take her cell phone (toy lol), babydoll and purse (=


Jen said...

that girl has pure skills, hair skills, cuteness skills. All from mom! :D

annieandjustin said...

oh her hair is getting so long! it so cute. and i love how girly girl she is. taking a purse toy phone and babydoll when she goes out. that is adorable!

Ashley and Ivy said...

i know! deff needs a hair cut soooooo bad! hehe

The DeLoe Family said...

Oh my gosh, that seriously made me start cracking up when she started swinging her baby around!

Brittany said...

She is changing!!!! She seems like a little girl now, not at all a baby. I am excited but at the same time a little sad. I'm so glad I've been able to watch her grow. I love when she says "boys" to call Alan and Andrew.

Marilene said...

she is so cute!!