Wednesday, June 25, 2014

A trip down memory lane!

This app ROCKS!  I love seeing little things Ivy has said and cute pictures!!! Here are a few!!!


More Marsh's? WHAAAAAT!

Yes.  Another Marsh is in the making! Actually David's bro will be a new Daddy at the end of the year & David's Dad is becoming a Father again next MONTH!  Crazy! Tiny Marshmallows everywhere!  Everyone keeps asking,"was it planned?" Well my dears....1st of all you should really watch what you say and how you come across haha.With that said, "NO!" I answer!  I took 1 day to wallow and feel sorry for myself....I wanted to loose weigh first,  I wanted Jet to be the baby longer.....I'm getting over myself!  Mysis and I are 15 months apart and I LOVE it! I never felt like I didn't get attention, I demanded it though haha
So i'm maybe 8ish weeks now.  Not sure lol.  I threw up 2 days ago for the first time :/ EWW! Baby Marsh 3 should be here in Jan or Feb 2015!!!
My Facebook announcement wasn't enough im people are SLOOOOWLY catching on!


David's FIRST Disneyland experience!!!!

It is CRAZY that Davids never been to Disneyland!  Mostly because ive been who knows how many times!!!  I was sooo excited for this!  Even though it went from 2 maybe 3 days to 1....and even though I couldn't find a cute outfit for Bats day!  Also the day before we were leaving we got paid and it was WAAAAAY less then we thought!  But I was determined to go!  So the day of we took our van in to the car doc for a check up and I guess something was wrong and they advised us not to drive it :/ NOOOOO!  So we took Davids ancient little car in and it needs a little work so we waited.  We ended up packing that car FULL and our journey began....with No A/C! My bro Alan came along to watch our babies.  This was an adult Disney trip haha! 
But first!  Lets go to the beach!!!

Then Downtown Disney!!!
 Lego store!
 trying to escape! to DL!!!
(Next morning...)
not in order....
 I had a penny for myself, my Mom, Jet & Ivy! 

 Went back for kisses!!!


Ivy's Kinder Graduation!

 Due to mold in our condo we were forced to move within 2 days!  This was back in Feb.  Since there was only a few weeks left of school I would drive Ivy to her old school everyday but after a while it became too difficult and we had to switch.  Ivy being the social bug that she is took to the new school SOOO well!  She liked that since it was full day she got to have breakfast & lunch!!!  Shortly after she started there the school put on a performance to recognize the arts.  I got a few photos. (=  She looks so cute & tiny in there!

Below are some pics of Ivy's last day of school!!!  Her teacher was SOOO awesome!!! She loved Ivy!She'd always talk about how well she was doing.  In her new class she even won her class spelling bee!!!  
A few days before school let out they had a 50th year celebration and they honored the children of the man that the school was named after.  It was pretty neat!  The Kinders did a little dance to Happy from Despicable Me 2.  Too cute!!!
I wanted to take Ivy to see her teacher from her first school and she wanted to see her best friend so we drove out there and surprised them!!!  So cute!!!
I can't believe my baby is 6!  I cant believe shes going into 1st grade!! WHAAAAT!  She is so dang smart I cant barley handle it!  She'll def pass me up! haha (=

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Easter/Quiny's 1st birthday!!!/CC Fair!!

I didn't take the time to organize so they aren't in order but here are some fun photos of our Spring events!!!  We had a great Easter, little Quin turned ONE! and our tradition....Clark County FAIR!!!

 These are after Easter for family night our Aunt Lisa gave us some special eggs with a story telling about Jesus!!!  We sat outside of our apartment on the grass while Ivy hunted eggs and Daddy told the story.

 Fair photos with JET!!!

 random good hair day haha

 Easter morning!!!


 Ivy got a beta fish & FROZEN!!!  I promised her a fish when we gave our doggies away )=  She named her fish Christolf
 Quin's CAKE!

 love this photo!

 As we were getting gas and headed out of town for the fair my sister texted me saying expect to wait at least 2 hours in traffic due to the Bundy protest.  WHAT!  normally it takes 45 mins to drive to Longandale!  Luckily just as we hit the major traffic my Uncle called telling us another route!  Saved a lot of time but we ended up getting there much later then planned!  We decided to contact my Granddad and ask if we could stay with him in Mesquite, he said yes (=
We treated us to dinner the next morning and we had a great time!  In the photos below he is giving Ivy a mini art lesson!!!  David enjoyed his life stories and asked LOTS of questions!  Great morning!!!